Managing the unpleasant parts of cooking with simple innovations.

Let's face it, sometimes we wish we didn't have to eat at all.

Maintaining a healthy diet for yourself and the people you regularly feed can be time consuming, mentally draining and outright messy at times. Some nights, cooking and cleaning up sounds so overwhelming that it makes you want to open Door-dash and call it a day.

We developed the Totem Axis to assist every mealtime start to finish.

Our stackable table innovation provides ease to:
  • Mother's feeding their family.
  • Professional chefs serving 60 tables a night.
  • Food influencers pushing new meal ideas.
  • Even for the dishwashers in the back during a rush hour.

If you are still unfamiliar with the design of our debut serving tray, I recommend you learn more about the features on our website, under the tab: "Totem Axis".

Extended research helped us discover key aspects in cooking that people despise altogether. It was from these recurring complaints that developed Totem's mission to ease the mealtime process for good. Totem products are designed with one goal in mind for our customers:

To spend more time bonding with their loved ones, while limiting time spent on cleanup. 

A commodity we always hear is:

"After eating we are always full! (lazy) Nobody wants to clean up again, so the mess gets left where it is!"

A well cooked home meal will always leave us feeling relaxed, and we should not be ashamed when we feel that way. When using Totem, cleanup becomes simpler and faster than ever before. It takes just a few minutes to:

  1. Remove the top plates into the dishwasher
  2. Wipe down the base plates and the axle of any excess food
  3. Disassemble the tray and store safely

The way that it reduces plates to carry to the sink, and how it saves time doing dishes both make it a secret weapon for an easy cleanup. 

This reply is another relatable misfortune that any cook has experienced.

"The loneliness is the worst; I have to beg my family to keep me company while I cook for them."

Cooking, even eating, as a whole can be lonely without somebody to share the experience. It's not always that family doesn't want to help, it could be that they don't know how to. By integrating Totem into the kitchen, a family is given the chance to connect by indulging an interactive experience with their dinner.

Stacked food draws the attention of all people, even kids; It is naturally stimulating to see your favorite meal displayed in a completely new and inviting way (No more 'forcing' family to eat at home).

This point leads us to a similar topic we often heard.

"It hurts knowing that most of the people eating my food have no idea, and thus don't appreciate, how much work I put into it" 

Each cook is alike by how much pride they put into their work. Some families are blessed with exceptionally skilled parents who provide great meals as a norm (If you relate go thank your Mother right now). It can certainly hurt when a meal isn't appreciated by the people you serve; you can only look back on the last 3 hours that went into it.

A simple way to create a visually appealing dish is by stacking the food, giving it a customized display that draws the attention of your guests. A vertical presentation creates an aroma that forces the eyes to wander and observe closer; this element naturally becomes a conversation starter in settings where the ice has yet to be broken. 

We kept this in mind with Totem's stackable design, a fantastic meal deserves to be shown off and remembered! The Totem Axis is the final puzzle piece to creating that perfect meal, which will surely express to your guests how much effort went in to the meal. 

It is all too relatable when people complain about cooking and its tedious processes, at Totem we feel you.  We are conscious of our customers' quality of life, and driven to improve it.

The Totem Axis as we say, is just the beginning. Totem and the founders dream of revolutionizing mealtime and simplifying it for good. Totem products bring life to the table, and serve a new way to create lasting memories with your guests

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